Halloween is a fun and joyous time when people are participating in all sorts of festive activities like wearing costumes, enjoying haunted houses or parties, and of course walking around neighborhoods trick-or-treating. It is an exceptionally exciting time as the daylight hours decrease and the weather gets cooler. However, as a homeowner, you have to be aware of the possible financial horrors that may coexist with this holiday. Webb Insurance Group is here to provide you with some tips and tricks to get your family through the festivities, stress-free.
Don’t Go Beyond Your Means
Let us begin with a tip that should be applied at all times throughout the year, homeowners should not live beyond their means. Try not to get caught up in the holiday spirit and splurge on a big extravaganza if you do not have the money for it. Do not take out loans or buy things on credit for Halloween if you do not have the finances ready to repay it. Whether it is Halloween or any other time of the year, this is always a good rule to live by.
Liabilities: Driving
Homeowners must consider that this is a time when exceptionally numerous amounts of people, especially children, are out walking around as they please. This, of course, means that there is a much higher risk for accidents to occur. If you are driving during the day or night, make sure to take extra precautions because someone could appear out of nowhere and take you by surprise at any point. Pay full attention and follow all of the rules while you are driving, if it helps, you can pretend like you are taking your driver’s test again. Do not text while driving, do not drink and drive, and definitely do not speed or drive recklessly in any way. Make sure that you can see clearly even if that means turning on your bright headlights. This day can be exhausting, if you’re feeling particularly tired, either stay in for the night or have a friend or car service bring you where you need to go. If you are already driving in the car and a wave of fatigue hits you, stop for a coffee or a quick nap. You are always better off safe than sorry.
Liabilities: Preparing Your Home
In regards to your home itself, you should initially make sure that there isn’t anything on your property that trick-or-treaters could trip over. If there are any rocks, hoses, lawn ornaments, plants or anything else that could potentially get in someone’s way, pick them up and put them away for the duration of the evening. If you will be handing out candy or hosting an indoor haunted house, you will want to make a clear walkway so people can easily see where to go.
If you would like trick-or-treaters to come up to your house, turn on many different lights inside and outside so that people can see where they are going when they are walking on and around your property. If you will be out of town or just want to lay low for the night, turn off your lights to indicate to the families that your house is not participating this year. This way they will hopefully skip over your house and not go onto your property at all, mitigating your risk as a homeowner.
Liabilities: Decorations
Now let’s discuss the part of Halloween that everyone either adores or dreads, decorations. These props and lights if done right can make your house the most attractive on the block. Yes, you must even consider safety in this aspect. While you are preparing your decorations, if there is a choice between using candles and electronic lights, it is safer to go for the electronic lights that adhere to safety standards. Make sure you place all of your decor out of the way so people can enjoy looking at it rather than getting tangled up in it.
Liabilities: Celebrations
If you are hosting a party where alcohol might make an appearance, carefully consider the context of the situation and who will be attending. Parties are fun, but hosting one is a huge responsibility that can cause a lot of stress, and as a homeowner, you must decide if you want to take that on. If you choose to have a party, keep an eye on things throughout the night and do your best to keep your guests safe. Look out for anyone who is beginning to act unruly or minors who might be trying to sneak away with alcoholic beverages. Even though laying out a few ground rules or telling people that you are not okay with them doing certain things in your home may be awkward, everyone will benefit from having a good time in a safe environment.
Liabilities: Theft and Vandalism
Halloween is often known to be the night where increased theft and vandalism occur. If you see someone messing with your property in any way, do not confront them but rather try to notice as much about them as possible from afar. Remember any features about them or their license plate if you can see them clearly. Contact the local authorities as soon as possible because your top priority is the safety of your family. Luckily, if you have Webb homeowners insurance theft and vandalism on your property is covered.
Extra Coverage
If taking these liability precautions doesn’t seem like enough for you, Webb Insurance Group can help you find a so-called “Umbrella Insurance” plan. The plan includes additional coverage so if you are ever faced with a substantial liability claim, you and your family’s assets will be covered. The personal umbrella policies can add more than one million dollars in liability protection at little cost to you. With personal umbrella coverage, your assets will never be at risk for a catastrophic claim. Learn more about Webb Insurance Group’s umbrella policies here.
Speak To A Professional
All in all, if you are unsure about the way things work concerning liability and a variety of risks, consult with an insurance agent. One of our agents will be able to give you the answers you need so that you can take the proper precautions to cover yourself in unfortunate situations. Insurance plans or claims can be tricky and tedious to understand, so visit our website to find a professional who will make it simple for you. Webb Insurance Group wishes your family a happy and safe Halloween.
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